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  • Alexander Brown

10 Must-Try Yoga Poses for Flexibility

Alright, yoga babes—listen up! This ancient practice is a total multi-tasker. Not only does it calm those frazzled nerves, but yoga sculpts strength, enhances flexibility, and unlocks a crazy metabolism. Talk about a full mind-body transformation!

If shredding fat while lengthening those tight muscles sounds like your jam, these 10 fundamental poses need to be in your flow. Whether you're a bendy queen or struggle tying your shoes, consistent work within your limits builds wicked mobility over time. Grab your mat—let's get flexi!

Downward-Facing Dog: The OG Pose

—Upside down "V" shape formed by straight arms, straight legs, hips raised high

—Strengthens shoulders, arms, legs, AND opens up tight calves, hamstrings, back

—Weight evenly distributed through hands/feet, belly pulled in, soft gaze between legs

Too tough? Bend knees or walk feet towards hands until you find your edge. Advanced yogis can pedal out legs or hold for longer periods.

Warrior II: Battle Those Tight Hips

—Front knee bent 90 degrees, back leg straight, torso rotated to face side

—Opens up outer hip/groin muscles, strengthens legs, improves balance

—Raise arms parallel to ground, gaze over front hand, engage your core

Extra tight? Move feet wider apart. Deeper? Bend that front knee until your thigh is parallel to floor.

Plank It Out: The OG Core Burner

—Balancing on hands and toes, body in a straight line from head to heels

—Crazy upper body/core strength and stability gains!

—Keep hands shoulder-width, bum tucked under, eyes slightly forward

Modify on knees if wrists/shoulders feel tweaky. Add leg raises, shoulder taps, or arm movements for extra fire.

Boat Pose: Core Power Championship

—Sit with knees bent, shins parallel, holding onto thighs/shins

—Engage that center by lifting feet and leaning back slightly into a "V" shape

—Keep length in spine, chin tucked, gaze forward

Too intense? Keep feet on floor as you lift chest. Amp it up by extending legs or raising arms overhead.

Bridge Up: Best Back Opener

—Lying face up, bend knees/place feet flat, lift hips up off mat

—Stretches tight chest muscles, opens hips/thighs, strengthens back

—Press shoulders/feet into mat, engage core/glutes, gaze under chin

Level up with one leg extended or try wheel pose if you're feelin' extra flexi! Use a block under lower back for added support.

Find Your Balance with Tree

—Standing with one foot rooted to earth, opposite sole resting on ankle/calf

—Tests focus/concentration while stretching inner thighs, ankles, and calves

—Lengthen through crown as you find your drishti (focused gaze point)

Wobbles ok! Keep palms at heart center for stability. Switch sides after a few breaths. Level up by extending raised foot higher up leg.

Chair Squat Power

—Channels your inner body builder—bend knees, sitting hips back like in a chair

—Tone those thighs, calves, and booty while increasing ankle/hip flexibility

—Straighten spine, open chest, hands at heart center for counter balance

A block between thighs keeps knees tracking over toes. Add arms overhead for a challenge, or pulse those squats!

Cobra Strikes a Backbend

—Lying on belly, straighten arms to arch back and gaze upwards

—Stretches out the abs/hip flexors while strengthening the back/shoulders

—Keep hips/legs glued to mat, shoulders rolled back/down

Go easy—no pain allowed! Opt for mini cobras if the full backbend is too much. Hold for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply.

Forward Fold Into Flexi Town

—Hinge at hips to walk hands towards feet, letting head/neck relax

—Loooong hamstring/calf stretch, releases tension in back and neck

—Create length in spine, bend knees if hamstrings are wicked tight

Too intense? Use a strap around feet. More advanced? Grab ankles/calves and straighten those legs.

Child's Pose Rest and Reset

—The ultimate cooldown, bringing you back to your breath

—Kneel with knees wide, fold torso between thighs, extend arms forward

—Sink hips back to stretch lower back/hips, rest forehead on mat

Perfect resting pose between more intense asanas. Modify by bringing big toes to touch or extending Child's.

So, Who's Ready to Stretch It Out?

There you have it, flexi friends—this powerful 10-pack of yoga poses blasts fat while increasing mobility from head to toe. Start slowly, listen to your body's limits, and move mindfully into each asana. Respected regularly, your hard efforts cultivate supreme levels of flexibility and strength.

Stay centered, keep breathing, and watch your range of motion expand. I'll see you on the mat—let's flow like willow trees in the wind!

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